Last updated 22/03/2022

What’s been done so far?

The Roma church in Nisporeni has been:

  • Hosting refugees from Ukraine in their church building. The refugees are passing through Moldova, they stay one night and go farther west. The church provides them with accommodation and hot food.
  • Helping at the refugee centre opened by the government, where about 80 refugees are hosted for an indefinite period of time. The church helps by providing food and basic necessities.
  • Helping some refugees who are less well-resourced by providing medicine, food and transportation.
  • Helping at the border at the welcome tents where refugees are served with food and drinks, mobile points, first aid, assistance and transport arrangement.

What’s the plan going forward?

  • They plan to continue the relief efforts for as long as needed. When resources are exhausted they will continue to help at the border, offering any help that is needed.
  • Trying to source clothes and shoes for the refugees who are staying in Moldova.
  • Planning to take food supplies into Kiev, Ukraine, in cooperation with 4 churches there who can distribute the supplies.

What are the current needs?

  • Car repairs (cars break down because of long and numerous trips)
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Food supplies

What can we pray for?

  • That their toil will be productive
  • Good health for the volunteers, who are cold day and night
  • Wisdom in administering the work of God correctly and wisely
  • Good planning of food distribution in Kiev, for safety of drivers delivering the food

How can we send help?

Financial contribution can be sent to the church’s official partner Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). Please contact Mary and Keith Holmes via email for more information.

For those giving from the US, please click the button below and fill out the form. Please use reference “Refugee Response – Moldova”. Your gift will be distributed accordingly.

To read refugee relief efforts happening in other countries where our partners are serving, please go to our Ukraine Refugee Relief page.